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- Dates for your Diary
- From the Principal
- School Counsellor
- Sibling Kinder Enrolments 2026
- SPPFC Soccer Registrations OPEN!
- RE News from Mrs Harris
- Sport News from Mrs McCarthy
- CECG Individual Sport Trials
- 2025 NSW Netball Primary Boys Trials
- Premiers Reading Challenge
- Wellbeing News from Mrs Simmons
- Birthdays!
- Week 4 Assembly
- Focus on STAGE 1!
- Goulburn and Tarago Show!
- Canteen Announcements
- Uniform Shop Information
- Information for Parents and Daily Reminders
- What's On Around the Area...
Week 5 | Monday 3/3 |
Tuesday 4/3 Shrove Tuesday |
Wednesday 5/3 Uniform Shop Open 9-9.30 Ash Wednesday |
Thursday 6/3 | Friday 7/3 |
Archdiocesan (CECG) Swimming Carnival, Boorowa | Pancake Breakfast | Mass Years 3-6 10am |
Reconciliation Session #1 |
Week 6 | Monday 10/3 |
Tuesday 11/3 |
Wednesday 12/3 Uniform Shop Open 9-9.30 |
Thursday 13/3 | Friday 14/3 |
FAMILY WEEK | CECG Hockey Trials, Goulburn | Naplan Starts |
Reconciliation Session #2 |
Assembly 2pm - Year 6 | |
Week 7 | Monday 17/3 |
Tuesday 18/3 |
Wednesday 19/3 Uniform Shop Open 9-9.30 |
Thursday 20/3 | Friday 21/3 |
Harmony Week | Year 3 & 4 Day Care Visits | Year 4 Liturgy |
Year 6 Retreat 'Journey with Jesus' Reconciliation Session #3 |
Disco 'Harmony Day' & Working Bee, 5.30-7pm |
Week 8 | Monday 24/3 |
Tuesday 25/3 |
Wednesday 26/3 Uniform Shop Open 9-9.30 |
Thursday 27/3 | Friday 28/3 |
Naplan Ends |
Year 6 Mass |
CECG RL & Netball Trials, Lyneham Reconciliation Session #4 |
Assembly, 2pm - Year 2 MacKillop Hockey Trials |
Week 9 | Monday 31/3 |
Tuesday 1/4 |
Wednesday 2/4 Uniform Shop Open 9-9.30 |
Thursday 3/4 | Friday 4/4 |
CANTEEN RED DAY Parent Teacher Interviews (book times on Compass) |
Year 2 Liturgy Reconciliation Retreat, St Mary's Crookwell NSWCPS Swimming |
Year 6 Try It At Trinity Day NSWCPS Swimming |
Assembly, 2pm - Year 5 |
Week 10 | Monday 7/4 |
Tuesday 8/4 |
Wednesday 9/4 Uniform Shop Open 9-9.30 |
Thursday 10/4 LAST DAY TERM 1 |
Friday 11/4 |
CECG Soccer Trials, Lyneham Parent Teacher Interviews (book times on Compass)
Staff v Sport Captains Sport |
'Ways of the Cross', presented by Year 4 Easter Hat Parade, K-2
The article below is about the importance of sleep for teenagers. The same thoughts & tips can be applied to our Primary age students.
The Importance of Sleep
Did you know that approximately 70% of teenagers experience insufficient sleep?
Most experts recommend 8-10 hours per night for our students, for optimal learning and mental health, but many children fall well below this. There is growing evidence that poor sleep among teenagers can negatively affect their mental health and even lead to the onset of mental illnesses later on in life.
Is your child getting the sleep they need?
Why sleep is important
Sleep plays a vital role in boosting immune function and helping us deal with stress. For our teens, getting enough sleep is important for:
- Learning and academic performance
- Mental health and resilience
- Behaviour and decision making
- Physical health
Top reasons teens don’t get sufficient sleep
The top four reasons students generally give for not getting the sleep they need are:
- Technology/FOMO (social media, gaming, Netflix, YouTube)
- Homework/study
- Time management/procrastination
- Stress
Also, teenagers are experiencing changes in their circadian rhythm (body clock). The hormone melatonin, which promotes sleep, is secreted later during puberty than in children and adults. This delay temporarily resets their circadian rhythm (which is like an internal biological clock), meaning your teen will want to go to bed later at night and get up later in the morning.
Key tips for improving your child’s sleep
- Have a conversation with your child around sleep and if they feel they get enough sleep.
- Discuss the impact sleep may be having on their learning and stress levels, along with their physical and mental health.
- Explore and then focus on their motivations for improving their sleep.
- Find out together what’s stopping them getting the sleep the need. Focus on 1-2 improvements they could make, under the key areas stopping them sleep.
For example: - Start to prioritise sleep and have a bedtime to aim for
- Have a one-hour break between study/use of electronics and sleep
- Make their bedroom an electronics free zone at night, including not relying on mobiles as an alarm clock
- Constantly assist your child to review their time management
- Encourage consistent bedtime during week and on weekends
- Implement a wind-down period and stress reduction techniques
For further information, see Smart Sleep Tips.
At present we do not have a school Counsellor and our Head Office is in negotiations with the service provider (Marymead Catholic Care) to recruit a suitable replacement. We are hoping to offer the service 2 days a week.
In the meantime, we encourage parents to continue to complete the referral form for their children to get school counselling. Marymead Catholic Care will review and manage all referrals and offer alternative options (including telehealth) until a new counsellor commences. Please follow this link to complete the online referral >>
Sibling Kinder Enrolments 2026
Sibling kindergarten enrolments for 2026 are now open.
We have already had strong interest in kindergarten placements for next year so please head to our website to enrol your child.
SPPFC Soccer Registrations OPEN!

Register early to ensure your child's place in a team!
Email the organiser at if you have any issues.
The season will kick off after the April school holidays, with the exception of under 12s who may start earlier (TBA).
If you are needing new socks, please don't rush out and buy any, the socks will be changing this year to a more suitable soccer sock that doesn't stretch or fall down. More details to come.
A new version of the Playfootball registration system has rolled out. Players details should have migrated across to the new system. If you have any difficulties, please contact the Playfootball Support team on 02 8880 7983. It is suggested that registrations be done on a computer and not a phone.
For anyone wishing to use an Active Kids Voucher, you need to first apply via Service NSW (eligibility criteria applies). If you then have any trouble using the Active Kids Voucher when registering, please let Deryn Hayter know via email
Registrations will close on the 6th of April 2025 in order to meet the STFA deadlines.
Please use the below links to register, remember it is the age your child is turning this year.
U10 BOYS -
U12 BOYS -
U14 BOYS -
Project Compassion
We have started our Project Compassion campaign. Students are asked to donate small change or help around the house to earn extra to give to those in need.
Shrove Tuesday
Shrove Tuesday, also called Pancake Day, is the feast day before the Lent fast starts on Ash Wednesday. We marked this day on the Christian calendar with our traditional pancake breakfast served up by our wonderful Mini Vinnies team. We raised $360 which will go to our Project Compassion donations.
So, why do we eat pancakes on Shrove Tuesday?
Traditionally, before Lent could begin, all of the foods people couldn’t eat while fasting needed to be removed from the house so that they wouldn’t be tempted to break the rules. And the best way to do that was to eat these foods during 'Shrovetide'. On Shrove Tuesday, eggs, butter and fat were used up – and one of the easiest ways to do this was to make pancakes or fritters.

Ash Wednesday

Elsie did really well at the recent MacKillop Tennis Trials, thoroughly enjoying the experience. Up against tough competition she had 1 win and 2 losses (one exceptionally close at 6-5) and a forfeit. Overall, she placed third in her pool. Congratulations Elsie!
Well done to all our SPP swimmers that competed in last week's Northern Region Swimming Carnival. Fifteen students qualified for the Archdiocesan Carnival in Boorowa. Thank you to our parent/staff timekeepers for your help and support on the day!
SPP Swimming Team (Miah, Astrid, Isabelle, Sophie, Zoe, Addison, Freyja, Aliyah, Sophiah, Hannah [absent], Bonnie, Elsie, Olivia, Michelle, Ava, Rory, Zach, Kyson, Sidney, Nolan, Thorin, Jack, Hunter, Seb, Aaron, Reuben, Hudson, Oliver, Huxley, Flynn, Will, Campbell & Avery)
Boys & Girls Senior Relay Teams
Special congratulations to Kyson who was runner-up in the Junior Boys Championship!

Isabelle Fischer 8yrs 50m F/S 1st
Kyson Swan 10yrs 50m F/S 3rd, 8-10yrs 50m Brst 2nd, 8-10yrs 50m Fly 2nd.
Congratulations to Isabelle and Kyson! They will now represent the Canberra & Goulburn Archdiocese at the NSWCPS Carnival in Sydney on the 2nd of April.
Further congratulations to Kyson as he was named runner-up in the 8-10yr Boys Championship!
Front L to R Huxley, Sophiah, Michelle, Campbell, Freyja, Miah & Flynn (Absent: Sid Wild)
Individual sports trials are open through the CECG sports website. These trials are intended for Year 5 & 6 student's ONLY. Keep up to date with trial information for next year.
Touch Football 2025 |
Netball - Boys U12's NSWPSSA |
Boys Netball 2025 |
Girls Netball - 27th March 2025 |
Girls Netball - Open Now - Closing 18th March |
31st March 2025 |
Open Now - Closing 18th March |
7th april 2025 |
Open Now - Closing 2nd April |
Rugby 2025 |
Please note. Girls can only trial for Rugby 7s |
Registration for ALL Canberra Goulburn, MacKillop and NSWCCC is through the new CSNSW website.
There are closing dates so if you are planning to trial please complete the registration process ASAP! Additional detailed information can be read below or from the Registrations page. For more information on Primary Sports visit the Canberra Goulburn Sport Facebook Page. If you have any queries please email Sherree Bush at
Registration for NSW Schools
Online Registrations for Primary students are available for AFL, Cricket, Basketball, Tennis, Netball, Rugby League, Football (Soccer), Hockey, Touch Football, Rugby Union and Softball via the Nominations tab. Teams will be selected to attend the MacKillop trials based on the Canberra Goulburn trials. Click on the sport you wish to register for and follow the Registration process. Please note anyone can register for these trials however they are an expression of interest only and will be discussed with your school sports coordinator the suitability of the student to trial and require Principal Approval. These trials are essentially for students in years 5 and 6, however younger students may be considered if they are exceptional within their chosen sport.
In the Archdiocese of Canberra and Goulburn, Primary and Secondary schools are invited to participate in annual carnivals for Swimming, Cross Country and Athletics. These major events also serve as a selection process for Canberra Goulburn Archdiocesan teams. Children may progress from school level, to regional level, to Archdiocesan, to MacKillop/CCC, to NSWPSSA/All Schools and ultimately national level in selected sports. For more detail please see pathways information.
An annual Archdiocese of Canberra and Goulburn Primary Netball Championships is held and additionally serves as a selection trial for the Archdiocese of Canberra and Goulburn Team.
For all individual and team sports a Canberra Goulburn Archdiocesan team is selected to participate at the Inter-Diocesan (MacKillop) Trials. The MacKillop region includes Wollongong, Parramatta, Sydney, Wagga Wagga and Canberra/Goulburn.
Parents of students selected in Canberra Goulburn teams will be required to register student details online through the CSNSW Sport Website This will require you to log on, receive a password then enter relevant details.
A team representing the MacKillop region is entered in the N.S.W. Primary School Sports Association (NSWPSSA) state championships. At this level, children from Catholic, Independent and Government Schools compete together.
Individual children are invited to participate in trials for the following Canberra Goulburn representative teams: Tennis, Basketball, Softball, Cricket, Touch Football, Rugby League, Rugby Union, Australian Rules Football, Football (Soccer), Hockey and Netball.
2025 NSW Netball Primary Boys Trials
Please see the below flyer for the 2025 NSW Netball Primary Boys Selection Trials.
There are 6 locations across NSW for intersectorial trials.
Registrations are through DASH.
Thank you Miss MacGregor, Mr Collinge and Year 4 for a very entertaining assembly and showing us your rope jumping skills!

2 Red creating picture graphs in Maths!

2 Blue have been very busy during the last 5 weeks...
Planting seedlings and recording their growth...

...Discovering what plants need to stay alive & grow...

...A visit to the Yarning Circle and llistening to the sounds of nature...

...And participating in literacy groups!

Forgotten lunches place a huge amount of pressure and extra work on both the canteen and front office. With the increase in student numbers in 2025, we have adjusted our procedure for forgotten lunches.
In 2025 if your child forgets their lunch:
- staff will check with the student regarding what food they do have
- if they do not have any food in their bag, the child will be provided with a cheese or vegemite sandwich
- children will no longer be sent to the canteen for an IOU
- we will no longer make a phone call to parents regarding forgotten lunches and lunch orders
We will not let a student go without food if they come to us without lunch, however we need to implement some new measures to ease the strain on canteen and office staff. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.

If you have uniforms at home that your child no longer wears, please consider donating them to our Preloved Clothing Pool. There are many good quality items available at bargain prices and many families who greatly appreciate these discounted clothes.
Donations can simply be dropped into the front office any time.
Thank you for supporting our school community.
Information for Parents and Daily Reminders
If you remember the following details school drop off and pick up should run smoothly. Please view the map below for parking restriction details:
Morning Drop off:
- Supervision at school starts at 8.30am. Students arriving earlier than this WILL NOT be under active adult supervision so please avoid dropping your children off before this time. Between 8.30am and 8.55am students are to take their bag to their classroom and then make their way to either the hall or basketball court where they are to wait in year groups until the morning play bell rings.
- Knox Street/Princes Avenue parking (front school entrance) - ideally families with students in Kindergarten only should be parking in this area. Please be aware of the bus zone, parking restrictions and keeping our neighbour's driveways clear. We also ask that you consider our staff when parking in the morning as there are limited all day parking zones where they are able to park.
- Hall gate (Knox Street) - Bus students are dropped off here.
- Princes Avenue/Adam Street (back school entrance) - Parents are able to park on either side of Princes Avenue (outside car line) or in Adam Street if you need to walk your children into school (please note that this part of Princes Avenue is a one-way road). Be aware of parking restrictions and keeping our neighbour's driveways clear.
- Car Line (off Princes Avenue) - Car line is a 'kiss & go' system where parents drop their children off without getting out of the car; please do not park and exit your car in car line as this creates major traffic issues. Car line is our preferred method of parent drop off as it ensures student safety.
Afternoon pick-up:
- Knox Street/Princes Avenue parking (front school entrance) - ideally families with students in Kindergarten only should be parking in this area. Please be aware of the bus zone, parking restrictions and keeping our neighbour's driveways clear. Kindergarten parents are welcome to park and wait for their child outside the classrom. Kinder students are also able catch the bus or get picked up from carline.
- Hall gate (Knox Street) - Bus students only are collected from here. A teacher is rostered on duty at this gate each afternoon and stays to supervise students until the last bus comes.
- Princes Avenue/Adam Street (back school entrance) - Parents are able to park on either side of Princes Avenue (outside car line) or in Adam Street if you need to walk into school to collect your children (please note that this part of Princes Avenue is a one-way road). Be aware of parking restrictions and keeping our neighbour's driveways clear.
- Car Line (off Princes Avenue) - Car line is available for parents to pick their children up without having to park and get out of the car; please do not park and exit your car in car line as this creates major traffic issues. Car line is our preferred method of parent pick up as it ensures student safety. Car line can be very congested in the afternoons. If the waiting line is outside of our driveway the advice from NSW police is that you should continue around the block via Adam Street until the line moves forward. Please consider arriving at 3.30pm or after to ease this congestion; your child will be safe and supervised until you arrive. Two teachers are rostered on and supervicion at car line is until 3.45pm. After this time your child will be taken to the office and a call will be made to parents to arrange pick up ASAP.
Before & After School Care
We are able to hold student medications in the office for those children who require either short term or ongoing medication. Any medication must be supplied to us in its original packaging, with the pharmacy label attached for prescription medicine. Our system has been updated by head office so please read the following carefully if this applies to your child.
Short term medication (pain relief, antibiotics, antihistamine etc) -
- Parent/carer must visit the office to sign medication administration authorisation form so that our staff are able to administer the medication.
Ongoing medication (asthma inhaler, antihistamine, ADHD medication, etc) -
- Parent/carer must visit the office to sign medication administration authorisation form so that our staff are able to administer the medication.
- Parent/carer to ensure medication remains in date, and that there is sufficient supply for one term, each term.
- Parents/carers of students with asthma action plans or other official diagnosis must provide current paperwork from the doctor
- Asthma Inhalers - if your child is in year 5 or 6 or capable of self-administering their ventolin, they are able to keep their inhaler with them in their bag; if this is the case there is no need to complete the authorisation form.